Performance Improvement

Helping organizations perform better

Why is it needed?

An organization must constantly measure the effectiveness of its processes and strive to meet more difficult objectives to satisfy customers. The transformation involves setting clear goals, having ways to measure progress toward those goals, refining goals and strategies based on those measurements and setting new goals over time to satisfy your customers. Simplifying and optimizing operations and decision-making is important for businesses to innovate and evolve.

Who is it for?

You make decisions driven by gut feel rather than hard facts

Your operations are smooth, but not in-line with your business vision

You find it difficult to benchmark current state of the business with past operations

Your operations are struggling to retain macroeconomic growth and profitability

What do we do?

Common Challenges

  • Lack of well-defined goals and linked strategic initiative
  • Disconnect between business strategy and organizational structure construct

Acuvon Solutions

Corroboration of organization strategy achieved via:

  • Formulation of goals to achieve desired end state
  • Development of strategic projects linked to business goals
  • Redesigning of organization structure

Focus Area

  • Short term and long term goals
  • Strategic initiatives roadmap
  • Functional level organization structure


Prioritization of business goals

Well laid out strategy roadmap

Clearly defined accountability

Common Challenges

  • Non-standardized operations
  • Prevalence of non-value adding activities

Acuvon Solutions

Process creation centred around:

  • Streamlining of non-standardized operations
  • Elimination of non-value adding activities

Focus Area

  • SOP development
  • BPR


Increased effectiveness

Increased efficiency

Common Challenges

  • Disconnect between capturing of business requirements, system selection and its implementation

Acuvon Solutions

Implementation of right systems by:

  • Understanding and documentation of business requirements
  • Selection of right systems and implementation support

Focus Area

  • Business Requirements Document (BRD)
  • ERP selection and PMO for implementation support


Makes organizations “process driven” rather than “people driven”

Common Challenges

  • Determining the business objective linked metrics to be reported at different levels
  • Lack of periodic and accurate business reports at all levels of decision making

Acuvon Solutions

Capturing and reporting of relevant data through:

  • Formulation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) through standard frameworks such as Balanced Score Card
  • Enablement of reporting and other decision-making support through BI tools

Focus Area

  • KPI Development
  • Business Intelligence(BI) enablement


Alignment of KPIs with business objectives

Scientific decision-making

Impact/Case Studies

Corporate Turnaround

Find out how we help ailing organizations reach financial solvency

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